Artists in Public! Is Public Art...

Festival Art


We strive to find our limitations by challenging our abilities and grow beyond them! The events at First Friday were mini marathon performances as visual artists. When stepping into the arena of visual artists performing live, there are 3 things an artist may learn.

1. Comfort with Ambiguity, to handle risk and uncertainty.
2. Idea Generation, to expand their range of ideas and thinking.
3. Transdisciplinary Research, to create new conceptual and translational innovations that integrate and move beyond their discipline-specific approaches.

From September of 2014 thru May of 2017. We worked together with our good friends at the Las Vegas First Friday Foundation to host over 200+ Artists, ranging from emerging students to experienced professionals.

Galleries of Artists
In Public Arts

If every work of art in public has an artist as its provenance and the artist is the most important part of that provenance.
Shouldn’t the community see more artists making art in public?